Just Paper

Thumbnail of the map 'Just Paper'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author TheEverPresent
Tags action amazing author:theeverpresent fun playable rated
Created 2009-04-11
Last Modified 2009-04-11
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description This is definately one of my faves

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'AfterEffects' Thumbnail of the map 'HandyQuacks' Thumbnail of the map 'Lazers of a scary pale sunsetmoon' Thumbnail of the map 'A beehive of respect and dignity' Thumbnail of the map 'Gahd' Thumbnail of the map 'Cubic3d'
AfterEffects HandyQuacks Lazers of a scary pale sunsetmoon A beehive of respect and dignity Gahd Cubic3d


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...faster AGD...
Demo Data


fun map. nothing else to say.
Demo Data
people. There's 160000+ maps on NUMA, If someone knew all of them chances are he could point out ripoffs from any map.
Whether its GTM, Radium, or other prolific authors.


I think not.
its just stolen tiles with poor gameplay

This map is fun, yet extremely annoying, which almost never happens, I don't know what else to say, sloppy demo
Demo Data
and a bad one at that
lol nice map, pretty much same as xerces =P


...your wish is granted!...umm i love the simplicity...the rocket was placed very well...and it was quite fun in general...cant say i agree with techno's second comment...

...improvable AGD...easily 5/5...
Demo Data

Great atmosphere.

Not a fan of the gameplay.


i know, i wish more people would comment :p


5/5 and only one person commented

great map 5/5