Thumbnail of the map 'BOUNCE ARENA'

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Author xenoc
Tags action author:xenoc playable rated
Created 2005-10-26
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description the floor is launch pads which u use to propel yourself onto the locks

have fun i hpe u like it!

Other maps by this author

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PEPSI MAX ARCHWAY OF DOOM twister launch pad hall drag F18


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How do you beat it? Also, you can't get through the doors on the lower-right. Don't stack doors. And play test your maps before you post them. Fun concept, just poor implementation.

simple newb map

Needs gold, much wasted tilespace that could be artistacally used, excessive launch pad clustering, all the usual problem with newbish maps. LOL and why did you put the door in an awkward spot at the bottom, wouldn't it have made more sense to make the entire floor launchy and place the door at the top of one side, and the door switch at the other respectively? Alas the launch gimmick has been used, in far better maps, this only deserves a 1 comparatively.