Waiting for a re-run

Thumbnail of the map 'Waiting for a re-run'

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Author Heat
Tags action author:heat hard puzzle rated
Created 2009-04-16
Last Modified 2009-04-16
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description A puzzle action map. not that hard rce: 6th map RATELOL
first completion gets ded!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Heat Conquer Me' Thumbnail of the map 'Up-Ending the Government' Thumbnail of the map 'Across' Thumbnail of the map 'Licking a serated lollypop' Thumbnail of the map 'Perfect Day' Thumbnail of the map 'Sex with Rhinos'
Heat Conquer Me Up-Ending the Government Across Licking a serated lollypop Perfect Day Sex with Rhinos


Pages: (0)

funny glitch

and stylish ending AGD

this was a pretty good map
Demo Data


A pretty slow completion. That last rocket kept killing me.
Demo Data


well, dont get me wrong, you have exceeded most map makers in the time and u have a unique style and make great maps, just didnt know u knew

keep it up ;)

almost a completion.
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Demo Data

sigh. there is no corner jumping.


this is awesome i like running on and on trough the hidden teleporter 5/5

I took my time

Demo Data
But close.
Demo Data