Hell in a box

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Author koipen
Tags a author:koipen box dda hell in unrated
Created 2009-04-19
Last Modified 2009-04-19
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Yes... My first dda. I think it went ok, bar the fact that it's probably the shortest you'll ever see.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'K Custom: One too many' Thumbnail of the map 'Above' Thumbnail of the map 'Starfire' Thumbnail of the map 'Limits' Thumbnail of the map 'Net' Thumbnail of the map 'Transquilas'
K Custom: One too many Above Starfire Limits Net Transquilas


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You should check out the dda's these days.
but yes it was short, there wasn't many close calls and it didn't work all the time for me sometimes the laser will shoot right at the start. Also I like it when some times the ninja slows down and spends a bit of time exploring one area of the map you will find most good dda's do this and vary the pace at threat. Having said all that its a nice map short and sweet

It's okay.

Not too many close calls, as I would expect from so many enemies.


But it was short.


funny mini dda