Part XXXVI: My Heart Pounding,

Thumbnail of the map 'Part XXXVI: My Heart Pounding,'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Erik-Player
Tags action author:erik-player digitalduck ep-mappack playable rated
Created 2009-04-21
Last Modified 2009-04-21
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Bending the pipes as they listen to the beat.

Credit goes to DigitalDuck for the start of the tileset. At first it didn't seem it could work, but it came through. Thanks, man!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Part XXXI: A feasible plan' Thumbnail of the map 'Part XXXII: Transmission Station,' Thumbnail of the map 'Part XXXIII: Entrench' Thumbnail of the map 'Feature!' Thumbnail of the map 'Part XXXIV: So Deeply Drowned' Thumbnail of the map 'Part XXXV:  Winged Hour-Glass'
Part XXXI: A feasible plan Part XXXII: Transmission Station, Part XXXIII: Entrench Feature! Part XXXIV: So Deeply Drowned Part XXXV: Winged Hour-Glass


Pages: (0)

Fast AGD

Pretty fun. I like the way it meshes.
Demo Data


Well, not really.
Demo Data


I recognise about half of the tiles here, but you've changed it so much (for the better) I didn't recognise it the first time I saw it.

Anyway, it's a good map, perfectly in your style, but not groundbreaking. 4aved.

Maybe if you clarified that better I would understand, but right now your post means little to nothing. Sure, it has gimmicks. But to call it noobish is a whole other answer. I actually felt the gimmicks were pretty cool, but everybody has their opinion. Please think that over.

Thanks for the feedback.


I... didn't like it much, and, to be honest, it feels way to much noobish... 2.7/5 -> 3/5

this is sick

i love how scrambley and original and pathy and flowy it is.


Exactly, apse

And since it was so long of a map, having too many threats can't be good in this tight space.

Thanks for your comments, guys.
that's mainly why i liked it.
it just felt fun in these circumstances.
besides the seeker, there was little threat
and the mechanic with the exit at the end felt like a pain

the 4&8 tiles

looked really nice, hats off


i loved playing that.


pretty funnnn.
Demo Data