White Flag

Thumbnail of the map 'White Flag'

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Author Diamondeye
Tags action author:diamondeye easy simple unrated
Created 2009-04-22
Last Modified 2009-04-22
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Simple, easy map - feedback and (agd) demos are appreciated

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Triangles I: Try a triangle' Thumbnail of the map 'Triangles II: Double Drones' Thumbnail of the map 'Smooth I: Golden Chains' Thumbnail of the map 'Smooth II: Seasnakes and Sunken Gold' Thumbnail of the map 'A sad day'
Triangles I: Try a triangle Triangles II: Double Drones Smooth I: Golden Chains Smooth II: Seasnakes and Sunken Gold A sad day


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Thanks, Squibbles, glad you liked it. I was thinking of something, but I probably already PMed you it on forums.

easy, but fun.

The tiles are great, and as lord_day said, the objects worked quite well...there was a constant theme with the objects, and the way you placed them, and it made the map a very enjoyable one to play. Incredible for a 6th map.


Again, L_D, thanks. I see what you mean, actually.

Awesome tileset.

The objects play decently, but don't compliment the tiles.


Demo Data