
Thumbnail of the map 'Confusion'

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Author mainzelman
Tags author:mainzelman fun puzzle unrated
Created 2009-04-23
Last Modified 2009-04-25
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this is.... confusing
to be confused...^^

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'DoorS' Thumbnail of the map 'Halls 4' Thumbnail of the map 'Some Kind Of Monster' Thumbnail of the map 'Hard Heart' Thumbnail of the map 'Halls 5' Thumbnail of the map 'Birthday cake'
DoorS Halls 4 Some Kind Of Monster Hard Heart Halls 5 Birthday cake


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Demo Data

is this

But had 3 faults:
1. The traps spoil the possibility of an AGD, and are hardly welcome in any map in any case,
2. The tiles in many cases were randomly chosen. It could have been a good challenge if tiles available for wall jumping were placed strategically.
3. Absolutely could not get past the mines.

Remember to plan things out thoughtfully and always playtest your maps from start to finish, and you'll get some good maps.

Drikam, you're a twat.

This was not confusing

because I didn't play it.

Ack. My eyes burn.

The tiles are so confusing to look at.

And jumping around on them is viciously annoying.

Maps should be fun to play, not a gauntlet of aggravatingly slow jumps. There's no challenge to this at all besides a test of patience. The gold is too spammed to make it a time race, and the tiles are too jagged to make jumping at all interesting.
