(Not Quite) Step Lightly

Thumbnail of the map '(Not Quite) Step Lightly'

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Author player_03
Tags action author:player_03 not-quite nreality playable playermod unrated
Created 2009-04-25
Last Modified 2009-05-03
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I haven't actually played ibb and obb [], but I thought the idea was worth making a map out of.

Warning: hitting your head will result in failure.

Based on level 07-1, step lightly.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Template' Thumbnail of the map 'One life' Thumbnail of the map 'Philanthropist' Thumbnail of the map '(Not Quite) The Motherlode' Thumbnail of the map '(Not Quite) Industrial Zone' Thumbnail of the map '(Not Quite) (Don't) Go For The Gold'
Template One life Philanthropist (Not Quite) The Motherlode (Not Quite) Industrial Zone (Not Quite) (Don't) Go For The Gold


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5 gold demo

note that I collect 1, but watch what happens AFTER ive finished.
Demo Data

damn. was trying to 'kill' all of the bounceblocks
Demo Data


Well, I updated the bounceblocks. I also had to redo my demo, but I did get a new highscore out of it.


Player_03 is far more established here than you. He know's what he's doing, and I like it.

I didn't like how the bounceblocks reacted, though.


I kinda agree to your point. You are demonstrating NReality capability, much like how I use motherlode to demonstrate the first player mod


I'm not going to take that advice, for a few reasons.

First, the idea behind this series is to see how much I can change Metanet levels with nothing but mods. Because people seem to be enjoying the series (at least, the first three), I don't feel like stopping now.

Second, I think it's interesting to play levels you recognize in new ways. For example, I never really liked (don't) go for the gold because of its length, and it is therefore satisfying to be able to skip much of the level.

Third, because I use Metanet's levels, I spend more time on the mods and images. I never put this much time into images for any of my old levels, and, at the moment, this is what I would prefer to spend my time on.

Also, in response to your assertion that I am not being creative, I have two points to make: first, around 115 of my levels have my own tileset. Second, I'm pretty sure that remaking Metanet levels is very rare, enough so that I'd consider this series "stepping out of the box."

step it up and use your own tiles for the following reasons: you make yourself look extremely lazy and careless; you lose attention from your lack of stepping out of the box; and most importantly, its as if you just find good codes that you throw into a metanet map.
Please take the time to work on your tilesets, it'll reward you greatly in the end


Demo Data

Demo Data


Demo Data

Found it []

I'll agree that it's similar, though I'd say it's more like ibb and obb.