The Face Beneath the Waves

Thumbnail of the map 'The Face Beneath the Waves'

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Author furry_ant
Tags author:furry_ant lilium race rated thefacebeneaththewaves
Created 2009-05-03
Last Modified 2009-05-03
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description My first race.

Tell me how I did.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Vivid Colours' Thumbnail of the map 'Switch' Thumbnail of the map 'Take the Bait' Thumbnail of the map 'Goats on a Boat' Thumbnail of the map 'Laser Railway Range' Thumbnail of the map 'Scientists Drink Molotov Cocktails?'
Vivid Colours Switch Take the Bait Goats on a Boat Laser Railway Range Scientists Drink Molotov Cocktails?


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but nice first race
Demo Data
but its hard to be sure...
Demo Data

dodgy flow

needs work.
3/5....above average for a first
but you need to work a little on the flow and enemies
Well, whatever ^^ I added a few things anyways
First of all, you need to improve a bit on the flow, never be like "well, it works" because the flow HAS to be perfect.

2nd/3rd/4th thing, Use as less launchpads as possible, and improve the placement of enemies (More tactical like)
Also, improve on the gold's placement and looks

fifth thing, talking about looks, your tiles are just there to be functional, of course, that's there main goal.
But you should also try to make them as good looking as possible, this is really important for advertisement.

6th thing, I will give it a 3, because it is not great. Improve on your races, and I might give you a few 4's.
And I know this is your first race ^^

last thing, Would you like to check out my latest race map.
You will like it hehe ^^


another thing, the flow breaks down when you go for the trapdoors, you end up all over the place.
Completion demo.
Demo Data


As I said before, it does look good.
However, a few criticisms:

Not enough gold, you need way more here.

Very few close calls. There's the rocket and that's about it. The chaingun is too far the other way - it kills you if you go through it too quickly, which means you have to slow down (demo included to show you what I mean).

The flow was very rough in places - that can work sometimes, but I don't think it did here. The launchpads ruined the look of the map.

The whole trapdoor thing at the end was pointless when you can just drop down to the finish. If you added gold there, it would be better.

On the plus side, it looks good (third time I've said that...), the flow was actually nice in places, the gold there was was well placed.
Overall, a 2.5 up since it's your first race.
Demo Data

Nice for a first.

More of the "minimalistic" type.


There's the flow.

heres the flow
Demo Data

I found the flow

easy to get actually.


It looks

great, but I couldn't find the flow.