Comments on "A Departed"
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this community is so messed up.
the reapeating bye along the bottom is kinda steye-stratining but they are coll letters you have such a way with tiles Yahoozy they're amazing even if sa bit pattern oriented the chaingun is quite deadly and well-placed if I start under on the drrone path then I really feel hunyted like some fighter in WWW1 and coming up getting gold is a BLAST and blast is also what happens when i I walljump too well and crash into mines up to that's annoying but the huge bye looks cool a;lthough the B looks like an A upside-down and the E like an F upside-down but I'm sure that's the effect you wamnted so no har,m I'm having a hard time with that gold beneath the E tnhe chaingun keeps killing me and it's kind of ugly but this again shows the chaingun well it's really very hard jumping up to the big BYE I find it very hard unless I pause a lot except with the E so nice work making the gold hard and it's still hard getting the switch but I can do it so in closing anyway I like this the tileszet's pretty cool and actuallyt not Hell to jump around in it has a lot of challenge as usual from you but still pretty fun so a typical outing nothing special I'm going to rate it then a five for leaving forever goodbye and fuck lord_day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Snipe... I wonder who that could be.
Wow... that's really upsetting. Anyways. Actual fun map love the lettering. Gonna miss you. Of course 5aved
BYE byebyeby
I don't think he's joking.
i certainly hope mahi's right
you're one of my favorite authors, and i'm sure others think so as well
He's obviously joking lol.
Why must people leave?
well, if you must, then goodbye.
Demo Data |
Bye Yahoozy.
In the words of BE_nSPIRED
"Good luck, good life, good lord :)"
Look Yahoozy
If you want to be a child about it, then that is your issue, and not mine. But the fact is that your actions were just as accountable as mine for the events that followed my comment. I've had enough of you acting as if I don't understand you or your mind set, and the way things were and still are run around here - reguardless of the time we spend here. If you have to be so left wing that we won't talk then I can't say I regret your decision to leave....
Nice map.
Don't know what to say.
All that's gonna be missed now are your maps