
Thumbnail of the map 'Machination'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author hoohah2x2sday
Tags action author:hoohah2x2sday hexagonish playable rated thewildthornberrys
Created 2009-05-12
Last Modified 2009-06-19
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Havent made a map in a while...


numaSH '09! []

. []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'AE-1586 ; G-587DT' Thumbnail of the map 'On A Wire' Thumbnail of the map 'Vacuum' Thumbnail of the map 'They Tried To Bury The Sun' Thumbnail of the map 'Flaupmes' Thumbnail of the map 'Greenvy'
AE-1586 ; G-587DT On A Wire Vacuum They Tried To Bury The Sun Flaupmes Greenvy


Pages: (0)

oh, it's great fun.

i enjoy map criticism. besides, you are a highly skilled mapmaker. school right now pretty much consists of watching movies, doing study halls, and sitting there doing nothing, so i'll probably have this available sooner rather than later.


I'm so happy you're doing this =]

by the way

i've finished the critique of two episodes; i'll hopefully be completely finished by two weeks from now.

those tileset forms

look great. this map is very well constructed. marvelous creativity.

hurry up

and bring your




whadcha say,

a collab?:)
But not via the forums if possible, I prefer msn or something like that.

And oh,

is that a clue I spy?


I think I'm getting an atob vibe here, or am I wrong?
Demo Data