Race of Terror

Thumbnail of the map 'Race of Terror'

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Author infernoXV8
Tags action author:infernoxv8 drones fast medium playable unrated
Created 2009-05-16
Last Modified 2009-05-16
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is a very fast paced map where if you dont go fast enough you will die from the drones, lazers or rockets :) GL

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Nightmare Peak' Thumbnail of the map 'Death Trap' Thumbnail of the map 'Valley of Death' Thumbnail of the map 'The Devil's Lair' Thumbnail of the map 'Cave of the Unforgotten' Thumbnail of the map 'Electric Shut down'
Nightmare Peak Death Trap Valley of Death The Devil's Lair Cave of the Unforgotten Electric Shut down


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Demo Data

a race map is when you must only jump and press left or right to complete it like my map.
The tileset is really helping you.
I made some race called FTW in my first month that are really stupid but explain really well the race system!
Demo Data

Confused :S

I thought a race map is when you need to go really fast in order to complete it which you do on this map, going slow is alot more dangerous, boring, and not as fun


But i can't call it race.
The drone are perfect!