Thumbnail of the map 'MILKRATS'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author pinkcloud
Tags amlt author:pinkcloud inspired kool-aid rated riobe southpaw
Created 2009-05-18
Last Modified 2009-05-18
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description Made by:AMLT, Kool-aid, southpaw, Inspired, & Riobe.

(Anagrams rock my world)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Heavenly Store Houses Laiden with Snow' Thumbnail of the map 'Retoxicapatrachroeded' Thumbnail of the map 'If a Flower Falls on it's Side...' Thumbnail of the map 'Left-Handed Lilac Squirrel...' Thumbnail of the map 'Chrome Thizzatron' Thumbnail of the map 'My Name is Sword'
Heavenly Store Houses Laiden with Snow Retoxicapatrachroeded If a Flower Falls on it's Side... Left-Handed Lilac Squirrel... Chrome Thizzatron My Name is Sword


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dont know it just seems better than it realy is :) 3

i guess

when you have so many people working together you are gonna end up with parts that rock and parts that suck. as for this map, the thwumps rocked. the drones sucked. the totally cramped sniper and rocket rooms sucked. the clumsy tileset sucked in terms of playability and flow, but rocked in terms of aesthetics. the approx. 200 unnecessary objects (doors, mines, jumppads, and especially that bouceblock in the upper middle... wtf?) sucked.
so overall, in my opinion there were way more misses than hits. but you gotta appreciate the team effort. lower than a 3 wouldn't be fair.

oh, and thanks to captain obvi... i mean, ChrisE, for pointing out that anagram. wow, i have no idea how you figured that out.
This looks appalling. Gameplay looks bad too. :/


Last thwumps -.-

Ingenious layout, brilliant aesthetics, each individual section was great fun ^^

Demo Data

I felt

it worked quite well, actually. Sub-600 speed on nreality.


MILKRATS = AMLT,R,K,I,S = AMLT, Riobe, Kool-Aid, Inspired and Southpaw :D

Too many cooks spoil the broth -_- too much individuality, it doesn't seem to come together well and looks a mess imo.

Demo Data
Quite an irritation sometimes. 3.
Well, a good a reason as any. Felt too busy but looked amazing. A collage of style, cool level.
it felt like each of the authors was adding new things in, but there wasn't enough editing of already existing things. it just felt like too much was going on in the map. the tileset was the best part.