Sattelite Feed

Thumbnail of the map 'Sattelite Feed'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author MattMaster
Tags author:mattmaster error feedy nreality rated sattelite test-map
Created 2009-05-20
Last Modified 2009-05-20
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description Feedy...?

Test map. Therefore not in my "most recent map" part of my profile.


alt+2=™, just for your convience.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Walls can talk' Thumbnail of the map 'TELEforcefields' Thumbnail of the map 'Areatrigger & GreedyDrone eye glitch' Thumbnail of the map 'Interjection' Thumbnail of the map 'GhostDrone type 4' Thumbnail of the map 'Day and Night, Dusk and Dawn...On and Off.'
Walls can talk TELEforcefields Areatrigger & GreedyDrone eye glitch Interjection GhostDrone type 4 Day and Night, Dusk and Dawn...On and Off.


Pages: (0)


It's gonna give me a seiure 0.0
yeah, I used nreality.



work yourself up that mapping ladder! =P


You know... I don't pick on you because I'm a nasty jerk. I see... I see potential.

You could be the best NReality mapper of all time.

Yes, as good as condog_111. Look at his maps for inspiration, and see how many NReality mods in levels you can do.

But... just listen to me. I'm your mentor.


Dude, listen to 29403. He's a well respected member who just wants to help you become a better mapper.

Plus are you multi accounting?
you will get my point.

Are you usually this ignorant towards people that are trying to help you become a better user and map maker?

If so, I'm so skrewed.

P.S thanks for shortening your profile.
mac 10.3.9 can only compute so fast.

anyway, on
6-2-09, 2030
look for my shorter profile.

Edit probably.

Thank you blackson, and well said. I think it should be edited, but I was in a flip because I had to restart the whole computer (which is not very good).

MattMaster, sorry for swearing. At least MeatPuppet doesn't copy and paste the whole flippin' money article and the silly old Nreality mods, plus, the N how to make a level (which you should follow well =P), and loads of huge money pictures.

You've got to be considerate to the people around you, or you won't get it back from me, that's for sure. Some people don't have a computer as good as yours, and many people find it annoying when you whine about low ratings... :/ You should listen to people when they're trying to help you.

(That being said, you never listen to what the fish I'm saying anyway... <_<) do you make an app engine?

anyways, shorten meatpuppet's and i'll shorten mine.

...and please delete 29403's 2nd comment, only because it blocks me from my other internet.
24903's comment, whoever you are. It has not been deleted (by me at least) because I agree with him fully. If I had the ability I would shorten your profile myself.

MattMaster, if you want people to play your maps, having a giant ass page to load is very discouraging to the people with horrible internet (like myself). It took me 6 minutes to load it.

Hello, MattMaster.

Remember meh? You haven't commented on any of mah maps for a while, even though you've obviously been on. Anyway, could you possibly make a non-nreality map? Nreality refuses to work on my computer...And I miss your maps...

And Please

tell my why the fuck you copied craploads of shit onto your profile. Crashed me internet, you know. >_>
You always whine when I gave you the lows.


oh crap.

you like him criticising me stupidly? unhopefully?



4.5 up

Ooh, neat.

What is it supposed to be?


did you even use NReality™?


you look at the code, silly!


what have you done

to make it like that? XD


I don't know NReality can do something like this XD


nice affect

Well ahemen then!

you shoudn't have rated!
test level: a test for my own good, rate if you like!