The Claw

Thumbnail of the map 'The Claw'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author SaCReD_FouNTaiN
Tags author:sacred_fountain race rated
Created 2009-05-21
Last Modified 2009-05-21
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description Bah.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Graffiti - TOM' Thumbnail of the map 'Ganja Smugglin'
Graffiti - TOM Ganja Smugglin


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Demo Data

I'm really being honest when i say 5/5 and faved

Demo Data


Your speedrun is fail :P

2 seconds, non fbf
Demo Data

Speedrun, lol
Demo Data

I didn't say it was an average first race. It's very above average for a first race.

However, this is pretty average (in my oppinion) compared to most (non-first :D) races I've played. Better in some places, worse in others, but pretty averageish. Either way, I voted 'above average' since average no longer exists as a rating.


I win.
Demo Data
i do think there needs to be more enemies...and the flow was dodgy in some places, though overall nice and smooth.


Difficulty shouldn't really impact on how good a map it is, just means different people will enjoy it. - though the enemy placement was a little lacklustre, I'll admit. Similarly I don't think a map should be marked down for its length, this was fine.

The flow was pretty decent (though extremely improvable in places), and the map just looked and felt very polished and not at all like an average first race. I'll give this a 3.5^
yay theres another graffiti loving race maker : )
happy faaace
But an extremely good race for a first
Demo Data

The flow was mostly good, but it seemed unfinished. The only enemy was a rocket which might as well not exist since it poses no threat. It's so... empty. Did all the drones get bored and go home?

Difficulty: 1/10
Flow: 7/10 (could've been a bit longer)
Aesthetics: 4/5 (tiles were very good, but a bit too empty due to complete lack of non-gold objects)

which comes to a 2.2/5, but I think it's worth more than that since it's good when held up against most people's first races. 3/5 I guess? Pretty average, but currently we don't have a rating for 'average' since half-ratings are gone. I'll round up.

(so final rating is 3/5)


although you can see it's your first (or one of your first) its really good.

Yeah ChrisE

Quite good.

really nice

this is incredible for a first, great tiles, lovely flow, and really simple.
Demo Data


wish there were more enemies. 4.

did you check out the authors list?

Cheers dude.

I was a bit iffy on the loops at first.

Nice map man.

Very polished and the loops aren't thrown in your face.
Demo Data