Random Love Map

Thumbnail of the map 'Random Love Map'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author brainstone
Tags author:brainstone mapdraft5 unrated
Created 2009-05-28
Last Modified 2009-05-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description For Mapdraft. Don`t have much time, working on a huge project.
[ Good Ol' TNT
Up to 100 Mines

[ I'm not gay... isn`t it? - by brainstone
You get 14 Tiles of your choice only to draw something sweet with them, for Example hearts, or a Teddybear

[ The Basics
20 'E' Tiles
10 'One' Tiles
10 Tiles of your choice

[ Stimulus Package
24 "E" tiles
6 gold
4 "5" tile
2 mines
1 "7" tile
1 rocket launcher
1 gauss turret
1 floor guard

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Chainguns are dumb, belive me!' Thumbnail of the map 'Knights of the new Rebublic' Thumbnail of the map 'Square Roof Root' Thumbnail of the map 'Tower vs. Towel' Thumbnail of the map 'Witch House' Thumbnail of the map 'Burning Sun or Assasin`s Sweat'
Chainguns are dumb, belive me! Knights of the new Rebublic Square Roof Root Tower vs. Towel Witch House Burning Sun or Assasin`s Sweat


Pages: (0)

purdy harts

Crappy demo I got here.
Demo Data