2 Bones and A Tie

Thumbnail of the map '2 Bones and A Tie'

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Author Boondocks_69
Tags author:boondocks_69 beatable medium-hard mines playable skill unrated
Created 2009-05-29
Last Modified 2009-05-29
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Try to beat this level, many different obstacles for you to own or fail. You have to be quick and skilled to make the crazy stunts! Good luck!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'What a Headache...' Thumbnail of the map 'The Box of Destiny' Thumbnail of the map 'Tetris or Minesweeper?' Thumbnail of the map 'Tetris or Minesweeper No. 2?' Thumbnail of the map 'Minesweeper N Rockets' Thumbnail of the map 'Prison Break'
What a Headache... The Box of Destiny Tetris or Minesweeper? Tetris or Minesweeper No. 2? Minesweeper N Rockets Prison Break


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nice demo XD that was funny


Demo Data

Yeah I

knew that, I was testing it several times till I got it. I discovered the thwump thing on accisent on one of my maps I am not going to upload XD.

nice job here

did u know its possible that you can be thwumped so fast you hit the mine on the top instead of the bottom?
Demo Data


it is possible to get back as well.
Demo Data


have a demo. Not completion but it is to show you it IS possible.
Demo Data