Goodbye, Mr. Despair

Thumbnail of the map 'Goodbye, Mr. Despair'

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Tags author:palemoon featured iooo rated
Created 2009-05-31
Last Modified 2009-05-31
by 73 people.
Map Data


This map was featured on 2014-09-06

He walks away, taking sadness and turmoil with him. The dark days are over, and a new era dawns on the horizon. Happiness lights up the room, and the people smile. They are free. They no longer fear the dark master. A new life. A new beginning.

Goodbye, Mr. Despair. — maxson924

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'CHAINSAW DANCE' Thumbnail of the map 'ward 4' Thumbnail of the map 'Wind Machine' Thumbnail of the map 'Mineshaft #4' Thumbnail of the map 'Warped Sea Vista' Thumbnail of the map 'Venom Tongue'
CHAINSAW DANCE ward 4 Wind Machine Mineshaft #4 Warped Sea Vista Venom Tongue


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its great

but has no exit which makes me wanna cry :'(

Super creepy

This is what happens when palemoon does what he wants.

interesting map

it's utter BS October's NUMACon isn't Halloween themed though
But I haven't made a lot of maps since then. I'm just not the kind of person who maps every day. If I feel like making a map, then I make one. If not, I do some highscoring instead.
If you like maps from 2009-2011 :p
I think Mohit and I are the only members who joined in 2012 and are still active. StreetsAhead came back a short while ago but he's inactive at the moment due to computer problems I believe. Most of the other mappers made like 5 - 10 maps and then just dropped off the face of the Earth.

I was thinking it would be cool to recruit more reviewers so we can shorten the time between featured maps so as more can be showcased, just like PALEMOON stated. As it is, a featured map a week isn't enough in my opinion. Though I know nothing about how reviewing maps works, so I may sound like an idiot.

As for the map, I like it. Every map is feature worthy, and even though this map is impossible, it has very artistic qualities. Great review too.
Want a map to feature, but don't want to have to go through the motions of actually playing and sifting through multiple maps? Click the link []!

no tiki

you have a very relevant concern and the sad part is that this site is so old it cant really be changed into something more workable for everyone. don't worry about it; i certainly felt that way back when i joined too.
it is to be saved forever for posterity it holds very true sentiments that are unfortunately still alive and well in this community even with the thankful passing of all the previous upper class members. we shouldn't strive to be the jerks they were. because they were serious jerks

Maybe I was rash

Thanks for the replies guys. Maybe I'm just too greedy for comments, or maybe my maps are just meh. Either way, I'll make sure to comment on more people's maps. I guess I don't like commenting unless I have demo data, but I'll change that. Also, feel free to remove my rant comment if you feel it's ruining the glory of your 1000th map.
but then again i used to shit maps out like no tomorrow and now they're fewer in between so, you know

i honestly sort of agree with tiki, there is a bit of a nepotism (if it can be called that) problem here. but, then again, only the older users stay. a lot of the 'new' users from 2011, 12, 13 just seem to leave, and even the older users that come back just leave eventually. the community's small and doesn't have very much going for it right now minus the N2 crowd coming along. also maps don't really have a criteria for why they would get a lot of comments or not; i've seen newbie maps with 30+ comments from speedrunners and stuff, then maps from old and grounded users that literally just get skimmed by. you really have to pay attention to every little detail of what happens here, there's not a set pattern mostly


i think a large part of the frustration about this comes from only having a system for one featured map a day. it simply isn't enough to showcase all the cool things all the members here create.
i hope you continue to stay around and keep mapping though :)


Most of the comments on this map are from 2009, when the map was posted.

Looking at Hotmaps, there are currently 4 maps by longtime mappers, and yet the maps with the most comments are by relatively new users. Really, if you don't get comments these days, I think it's more a matter of hotmaps being really dead (except when it's even deader there seem to be more comments; when too many maps get posted the number of comments per map goes down. I think there is a sweet spot of about 10-20 maps per day where most of the maps get several comments. I don't really get how that works). There's long periods of time (weeks or months) where Hotmaps is this way. The solution is for everyone who submits a map to comment on several of the other maps currently on hotmaps.

At times when maps do get more comments on Hotmaps, there's probably lots of reasons why established mappers get more comments: "brand" loyalty and name reputation, long-time users prioritizing their friends' maps, limited time to play maps, cleaner/more polished aesthetics, even the fact that a map has more comments may lead to a feedback loop of it getting even more comments/plays.

I know it might seem counter-intuitive, but I have found commenting on other people's maps sometimes leads to them looking at my profile and playing a few of my maps. Especially if it's on a map that hasn't gotten many comments. plus, that means giving more comments to the people who currently aren't getting that many.


Not to get sucked up in any drama, but you'll notice I actually make an effort to play new peoples' maps and welcome them to the site. I also, when the maps merit it, am willing to feature maps by users who have few or no features. Look here [] for an example; that's his only feature and the map very much deserved it!

I understand your frustration, as I myself didn't get my first feature until I had submitted over 100 maps and I remember being frustrated too. But please know that while I can't speak for everyone else, I really do try to feature a variety of users. In fact, to the best of my knowledge, I've never featured the same user twice.


the social injustice against newer members is literally palpable and disgusting


Sorry for ranting here, but I just wanted everyone to see my comment, and it's clear that EVERYONE is looking at this map.
Alright, I've been thinking this for a while now, and this map being featured just about does it. I simply don't understand what appeals to this community, or if I merely am posting my maps at the wrong times for them to get comments, but it seems like this entire community only cares/comments HEAVILY on/features maps from age-old members. I've seen some of the most boring, or some that are just generic, posted by say "Sunset" or "gloomp", and by that fact they get so many comments. Most of the time, the maps with the most comments just have a cool tileset, and shitty gameplay, as if somebody made a tileset then proceeded to vomit enemies onto the stage. So, am I saying that my maps are better and deserve more comments? Certainly not, but I would like to know what makes some of these maps, like this one for example, so greeeaaaat. I mean, it's a cool n-art, but I've seen ones literally 100x more impressive. It seems like this feature was cuz it was his 1000th map. How about the rest of newbies getting some love?


how do u add a map?


Great fun this.
Demo Data

happy 1000

official 1000*

69 ratings
So congratulations, Padawan.

Didn't you have 1190 maps last time I checked your profile? =/


i'd like to let you know, that this map almost brought me to tears.




this is fucking insane palemoon!!!

how'd I miss this?!

If oyu know what I mean ; )



Fav'd. 5. Stunning.


I just saw this on /w/



Demo Data