Et Circum

Thumbnail of the map 'Et Circum'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author wellsj
Tags author:wellsj playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-11-01
by 21 people.
Map Data

Description well, this is how it turned out. i\'m rather pleased with it. there\'s no enemies. just a mine jumper. it looks good too. post your all gold demos. its all possible.

please play, comment, leave demos, rate, and enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Ancients' Thumbnail of the map 'Per' Thumbnail of the map 'Trees Have Feelings' Thumbnail of the map 'Air Bubble' Thumbnail of the map 'Island In The Sun' Thumbnail of the map 'City Of Gold '
The Ancients Per Trees Have Feelings Air Bubble Island In The Sun City Of Gold


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holy crap

thats an awesome demo

also- thanks guys for the feedback. i'm glad you all like it. it would probably be a 4.5 if the first rating wasnt a 2.5 :-\


15 frames more.
Demo Data


just like your last one, here's my "speed" demo, lol.
Demo Data

Very nice map, favourited.


The fastest I can do.
Demo Data


A better one.
Demo Data


Speed demo.
Demo Data

speed demo

Demo Data


pretty nice. one of my fave metanet lvls too, good job.
And dont worry 'bout the low rater, it happens to the best of us ; D


I don't like the exit placement, and the mines at the end are a *tiny* bit much, but other than that, magnificent. 4.5 / 5.


who rated this a 2.5??