Ceiling Drills?!

Thumbnail of the map 'Ceiling Drills?!'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt ceiling drills rated rockslash
Created 2009-06-03
Last Modified 2009-06-03
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description That's not going to work. Remix of High Tech Gold... No. I made the rest of it pretty simple so that you the drones don't make it too hard. Difficulty curve? Pffff. If it's too easy, let me know.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '07~1: R&R Reprise' Thumbnail of the map '05~4: Wellspring Workings' Thumbnail of the map 'Wake Of The Aerial Architects' Thumbnail of the map '09~2: Petrified Woods' Thumbnail of the map '06~1: Invader's Victory' Thumbnail of the map 'Reign Of Blood'
07~1: R&R Reprise 05~4: Wellspring Workings Wake Of The Aerial Architects 09~2: Petrified Woods 06~1: Invader's Victory Reign Of Blood


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death slow agd-1

this was just ok for me :(
which is a shame because I love your maps.
The openness was nice though.
Demo Data

Of course

I added the tag and all but I couldn't edit the name (sorry). But yeah, I don't make maps for private use, everything I make is for the public to use for whatever they want

Feel free to iterate on it as well if you want to make a few changes after more testing.

hey uhh

end of school year approaching, y'know, almost ready to begin writing...where's nnn? have we moved to the new domain yet? will i be notified when we get back up again?

also, this map is good ol' gtm style stuff. fun to play around, and bastante creative. nice atmosphere too. 4.15/5
GRRRR! I.e, I didn't actually want this to be massively fast, which I guess helped lengthen out the exploratory points. But yeah, awkwardness, yadayadayada, I've already got ideas on how I can rework this. Although the drills kind of had to be jagged. Ya know. Drills.

Also, ask these maps what's wrong with a straight line :)

I just fanced making something less regular for a bit. Bleh. Thanks for playing, though. Sorry if that comes out caustic, it's not meant to. :)


Overproduced, all the extra tiles and what not just get in the way. Why does every surface have to be jaggy? What's wrong with a straight line GtM?

Enjoyable, fun to explore, but overall a let down.
Demo Data
I really like the idea going on, but maybe this isn't the right kind of set up. I'll experiment around a bit.


I agree with toasters. It was just kind of a bit too awkward.
Demo Data
So you wouldn't be breaking anything there.


I thought that. Maybe I should replace one of the seekers with a zap, and add a gauss? I'd do it now, but that'd probably invalidate both of your demos -_-
It looks awesome, but I couldn't really get into it. It alternates between hard and boring jarringly and often, and I felt as if I was stumbling around the whole time. Maneuvering the ninja around the oneways is interesting the first couple of times, but it becomes tedious quickly. Just not my type of map I guess =/
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Great fun to explore :D
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