can't be bothered

Thumbnail of the map 'can't be bothered'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author xenoc
Tags author:xenoc dda rated
Created 2005-11-01
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description ned can't be bothered doin any fightin
he just wants to get out of there!
so he goes so fast the drones can hardly see him!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'ROLLERCOASTER!!!     (modified version)' Thumbnail of the map 'My first dinner i... made' Thumbnail of the map 'simmetry is cool' Thumbnail of the map 'im just so happy' Thumbnail of the map 'bouncey death' Thumbnail of the map 'With a Boom at the end'
ROLLERCOASTER!!! (modified version) My first dinner i... made simmetry is cool im just so happy bouncey death With a Boom at the end


Pages: (0)


theres no ending to this plus i wasnt that good


The ninja's name is N, not ned, ned is the name of the editor!


map data corrupt