
Thumbnail of the map 'Windmill'

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Author cheezemonkey
Tags action author:cheezemonkey playable rated
Created 2005-11-02
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I actually have a THEMED one this time... u pretty much have 4 rooms to go through, the last one being the hardest (for me) and all that stuff... COMMENT PLZ! and should i keep the doors or not???


Pages: (0)

All gold

Pretty basic of a level, but not bad.
Demo Data


This is very easy. it isnt bad. but it's quite easy.


I don't know if i should keep the doors or not. if i take em off. some objects can go in othe rooms and make it harder, but i don't kno if it'll be UNBELIEVABLY hard if the lazer and chaingun drones get released...