
Thumbnail of the map 'endless'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author fishsicles
Tags author:fishsicles rated thwumps
Created 2009-06-12
Last Modified 2009-06-12
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Whoo! ZODIARK (G:) has returned to us! (Yes, I name my drives after Final Fantasy summons. No it is not strange.) I'll get my rates for MRG up sometime later tonight. I'll probably be back to a map every two days now... might consider backing up my n files on RAMUH.

Not much in a way of new relevant to this map. It's an interior mp but more mechanical than 'caverny'. Some strange platforming in the center, I assure you it works though.

EDIT: Twenty-fifth map! It may be an arbitrary milestone in the grand scheme of the universe, but it's something to celebrate.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'colliding with reality' Thumbnail of the map 'shattered' Thumbnail of the map 'trapped within' Thumbnail of the map 'regenisis' Thumbnail of the map 'twisted remnants' Thumbnail of the map 'autonomy'
colliding with reality shattered trapped within regenisis twisted remnants autonomy


Pages: (0)

Really easy

and I liked it.


cramped sorry. 3/5

Enjoyable when you find some flow, but otherwise quite insubstantial.