Yellow Snow

Thumbnail of the map 'Yellow Snow'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Nphasis
Tags author:nphasis image-map imagemap nreality rated
Created 2009-06-22
Last Modified 2009-06-22
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description My first sad attempt at an imagemap. Give me advice and be sure to use -=NReality=-

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Can't sTOP' Thumbnail of the map 'MELTING PIANO KEYS' Thumbnail of the map 'Cogs' Thumbnail of the map 'TEST THE WATER' Thumbnail of the map 'Become an alligator's bitch!' Thumbnail of the map 'Quick Oats'
Can't sTOP MELTING PIANO KEYS Cogs TEST THE WATER Become an alligator's bitch! Quick Oats


Pages: (0)


Very nice !


Man... I should have used nreality for this demo ;___;
Finding a good route to go fast was a nice challenge, 4.
Demo Data
or invisible.

Faved still.

Speed run

Demo Data


Really nice use of images. I usually can't stand imagemaps <_< f4ved


I like the image
I think the map looks better on its own. Your tiles are beautiful, as usual.

It's an imagemap

that's what's so NReality about it.

What Is

So nReality about it?
It Isnt That Fun
Demo Data

Suckish demo

Demo Data