I'm Scared of the Thwumps Under My Bed

Thumbnail of the map 'I'm Scared of the Thwumps Under My Bed'

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Author Karamuey
Tags author:karamuey medium puzzle thwumps unrated
Created 2009-06-23
Last Modified 2009-06-23
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Shouldn't be too hard but try for an AGD. I wanna see how people go.

EDIT: sorry ppl, realised that it's not really possible to get out once you get the key. Fixed now.

Other maps by this author

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Rocket ~ N Art Bells & Whistles Claustrophobia Infection To Disagree Would Be Madness Crop Circles


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I liked the looks of those bouncebacks. The tiles were ok too. 3/5

aww well.. ill take that into account and I thank you for your (constructive?) criticism.

Dear lordie,

those bounceblocks in the tiles look hideous!
