Space Warp

Thumbnail of the map 'Space Warp'

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Author alfredthegreat7
Tags author:alfredthegreat7 dda rated
Created 2005-11-04
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description here bees my 3rd, i hope you guys like it. it might be a little launch pad heavy, but other than that i think it turned out pretty good, please rate and comment

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This lvl is SICK i love dda's, they blow my mind

my bad

sorry, ya that just really bugs me when people have stuph left over on a dda

not bad...

little to many launch pads, but the path was nice. 3.5

you modded my map complaining about the gold left over... that was for people playing in the map making, and not just the User Levels.


This is a great map. I enjoi it. MiSoHoNi. Ebaums World dot mutha fuuuun com!!! It is kinda launch pad heavy, but the locks make up for it. Iceman doesnt know what he is taking about when he says this is crumy. STFUN! Plus, it had a great gold delay. And i love the part where he gets traped and then launched. the best part is you did it twice! Nice moves. Keep it real. Fo' sho'

too many

bounce pads. too much gold delay. too crumy. 2/5