Rebound 2

Thumbnail of the map 'Rebound 2'

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Author infernoXV8
Tags author:infernoxv8 easy fun playable race speed unrated
Created 2009-07-08
Last Modified 2009-07-08
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is the same as my old map except from my old map had a glitch in it and it wont let me alter it as its been rated :(

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Essence of the Demon' Thumbnail of the map 'Hidden Treasure' Thumbnail of the map 'Infamed Tunnels' Thumbnail of the map 'Trapped high up' Thumbnail of the map 'Equilibrium' Thumbnail of the map 'Project 13'
Essence of the Demon Hidden Treasure Infamed Tunnels Trapped high up Equilibrium Project 13


Pages: (0)

allright but the flow was shit

so 3/5



you started with the launch pads the flow disapeared until you leave that area... Should have gone with a chimney, or a far sharper angle to deflect the ninja more toward the jump pad.


you need some flow lesson 101

(I would have given a 1/5 or 2/5 but I won't)



but whats the glitch in the other one?

very easy

but very fun
Demo Data