rock climbing

Thumbnail of the map 'rock climbing'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author enderspeaker
Tags author:enderspeaker playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-11-05
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description I think this is a very nice puzzle map and I hope no one has chosen the name yet. I like how in this map you go up slow and come down really fast... If you do it right.

Other maps by this author

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Pages: (0)

good map

plain and simply made. i just hate these type of puzzle maps. they really piss me off. 4/5


Thanks for all the feed-back guys, and sorry for useing an in-use name. this is my first map with a 4/5, and Im fairly new to this site.


finally. 3529 frames. O.O

and a correction. EXTREMELY FRICKIN'hard.
Demo Data


i meant 4.5/5 lol


Very nice and hard level. Unique, besides the name.

Yeah, the name has been used before...
You can just use the search function and do it yourself.