flying ninja star

Thumbnail of the map 'flying ninja star'

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Author destiny56
Tags author:destiny56 easy simple unrated
Created 2009-07-11
Last Modified 2009-07-11
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description its a flying ninja star

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'follow the coins and you'll be safe' Thumbnail of the map 'crazy2' Thumbnail of the map 'simple'
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! follow the coins and you'll be safe crazy2 simple


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A doppleganger on NUMA!!!!


Slow Speed

I noticed there was some gold then suddenly.. CHEE CHEE CHEE
couple hundreds of gauss + stars came flying from the heavens..

AGD could be challenging, try not to stack the gold, i did that and ppl sniped me saying it demeans the map..

-Rockets belong in the sky ~Woosh
Demo Data

gah! floorguard spam!
2 would have done the job ;-;