Devils Wiplash

Thumbnail of the map 'Devils Wiplash'

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Author xGDxODrifter
Tags author:xgdxodrifter challenge jumper medium playable puzzle unrated
Created 2009-07-13
Last Modified 2009-07-13
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Its Complicated Trust Me.

Other maps by this author

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Good runs
its just some switches dotted around opening doors to the exit. Play a map by me or better someone like sendy to see complicated
see demo I accidentally got on at the end but it didn't help me at all

you should remove them especially the ones which cover the rocket the take all the challenge out of the level

avoid gold in big blocks use in moderation, in patterns and in places that are hard to reach it makes for much better gameplay and aesthetics

credit someone if you rip off their map its plagiarism I think its highly unlikely you would get the exact same pattern by luck
Demo Data


Demo Data

i didnt even know i copied anything. i havent even gotten to that level

You just copied level 67:4 out of n and modified it loads.

You should give credit if you copy metanet