
Thumbnail of the map 'bullpawritual'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Meatpuppet
Tags author:meatpuppet bullhornritual rated
Created 2009-07-13
Last Modified 2009-07-14
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description bullheadritual

Other maps by this author

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The Dark Half: 0-20 The Dark Half: 0-30 The Dark Half: 0-40 The Dark Half: 0-50 Draining the Black Sea Rockie Like a Sequince-Kane


Pages: (0)


only 5 people enjoyed this map, meatpuppet.
anyway the gameplay was favored over aesthetics, my kind of map. 4aved

i liiike

like it alot

wasnt asking you

asking the general community

calm down, I don't rate maps, stop you ever learn?


rate the fucking map if you enjoyed it

i am sorry but

i am a bitch so i edited the whole map for gameplay reasons.

really fun to speed, I enjoyed this one
Demo Data

I hate the rocket.

Demo Data

oopsie poopsie


What the hell?

Where is the ninja?