Red AND Blue

Thumbnail of the map 'Red AND Blue'

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Author Karamuey
Tags action author:karamuey fun unrated
Created 2009-07-17
Last Modified 2009-07-17
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data


Morpheus: You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I'll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Neo: Man, you crazy! What the FUCK are you on about, man!? Your f'kin high on red pills again, arent you!? Goddamit I don't wanna have anything to do with this shit!

Morpheus: Wow. Waiit man, waiitttt. Where my pills going!!?!?! There flying awayyyyyy!! You gotta get 'em back man, you gotta get 'em back!!

Neo: Fuck you! No wayyy! Im outta here, you crazy bastard!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Labyrinth of Ancients' Thumbnail of the map 'The Queen's Revenge >or< A Queen and a Half' Thumbnail of the map 'What Will We Do? What Will We Eat?' Thumbnail of the map 'The Whirligig Times' Thumbnail of the map 'Outlaw Spotted' Thumbnail of the map 'The Dragon's Lament Redone'
Labyrinth of Ancients The Queen's Revenge >or< A Queen and a Half What Will We Do? What Will We Eat? The Whirligig Times Outlaw Spotted The Dragon's Lament Redone


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No problem. I'll keep my word and comment and rate ALL of your maps. I'm about half way done now.


thanks for the advice!


But I'll get and AGD later. Then I'm gonna rate and comment on all your maps when I get back becuase the same thing used to happen to me - where no one would notice all my maps. The trick is, before submitting a map, rate, comment, and try to post a demo on all the other maps on Hot Maps. Then people will recognize you and check out all your new maps. Try it. This map gets a 3/5 for the great drone path on the left side.
Demo Data


my maps dont ever get any comments or ratings. my latest 3 maps, which I think to be pretty good, have no comments by anyone but me, and no ratings. They're not there on the hot maps or active authors long enough to be viewed!