
Thumbnail of the map 'guns'

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Author blocto123
Tags author:blocto123 flow fun playable race rated
Created 2009-07-21
Last Modified 2009-07-21
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description ded to rit0987 for being a BOSS at making races. enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Miserable at Best' Thumbnail of the map 'The Fallen' Thumbnail of the map 'What Can I Say' Thumbnail of the map 'This House is Not a Graveyard' Thumbnail of the map 'S.A.M.' Thumbnail of the map '21'
Miserable at Best The Fallen What Can I Say This House is Not a Graveyard S.A.M. 21


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It was very good

and fun but some parts i lost the flow and some things were weird in it ><

great race

awesome flow i really liked a lot of parts in that


you seem to have been copying sections of rit's flow...
that's actually probably a good idea, so u can find your own unique style after building on it. i agree about the gauss. and i didnt like some of the stops and turns against walls.
The flow in this race was quite boring and somewhat unimaginative, and on the bottom I tried a double jump and got killed pretty well much everytime, which shouldn't happen. Try to make some quick, consecutive jump to keep the race interesting, and try a wide variety of jumps, even wallclimbing, such as in my race Robotic Disemberment []. You are getting better though, I could see you becoming a good race author.
Demo Data

allthough the gauss killes me way too often... :/

I'm not a master but thanks for the ded. work on flow. you're getting better:D
3.5/5 up


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