
Thumbnail of the map 'Vermillion'

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Author Seneschal
Tags action author:seneschal rated tac3 taciii
Created 2009-07-25
Last Modified 2009-07-25
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description For TACIII Round 2(I couldn't edit/remove/add to the objects). The theme was "Plateaus/Platforms".

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'A.M. 180' Thumbnail of the map 'Where is my Time Going?' Thumbnail of the map 'Scorched by the Sun' Thumbnail of the map 'And R'lyeh Wept' Thumbnail of the map 'Fireworks' Thumbnail of the map 'Don't mess with Cthulhu'
A.M. 180 Where is my Time Going? Scorched by the Sun And R'lyeh Wept Fireworks Don't mess with Cthulhu


Pages: (0)


that was the case here []...

did you

rate collapsing biosphere, too?
because you didn't say wether or not...


You dropped my average rating from 5 to 4. I hope you're happy, because I don't care.


If you want to call people vulgar names and insult them personally, don't do it on NUMA.

Verbal warning.

NUMA Admin


already the next map, just tell me: What do you do all day? Have you got time to eat, breathe and sleep??? The speed in which you release maps is really a breathtaking one at the moment...
I'm not even fast enough with playtesting them...
i understand wht you meant with you're "busy"..., if you finished being busy, I'd be pleased to hear wether you need my "help" or not...
good luck with your "work"...
see you
P.S.:sorry my comments are always so long, I'm a bit too descriptive...

I liked it.

Not spectacular, but definitely above average.

Demo Data

deserving of a four

not a three. well done within the constraints of the competition. and meatpuppet: as a great man once said, "faux-noob is so passe."

ps: ninja143 is in charge of our collab for ITT. i sent her some stuff, and gave her free reign.


I like the chainguns, they weren't too threatening but still did their job.
Demo Data


It was only a joke referencing flag's comment here []. You really thought I meant that? You thought I was that immature? I feel saddened. Looks like you really can't take a joke...
if you cannot take criticism then stop making bad maps
and it felt a little empty



Actually, I prefer them like this. All the chainguns come into play and threaten the ninja at some point, I don't see how making them go in circles would make them more threatening (especially since I actually tested that and found my method to be more effective).


but the drone pathing is awful. They are on surface follow no? You could have set them to go round in circles if you placed tiles at least a full square away from them.

I am loving this.

Very well crafted.

Slow AGD

Demo Data