Find the way 1

Thumbnail of the map 'Find the way 1'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Tobsass
Tags author:tobsass beatable crazy fun puzzle unrated wierd
Created 2009-08-05
Last Modified 2009-08-05
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Very easy:
Just find the right way...


Pages: (0)


very good.
That time is better than my personal record...


time 119.125
Demo Data

he nice level

Demo Data


I´ve just copy from the editor so Idon´t note the bug...
@aerodynamic: That was the first level of "Find the way". The next one will be a little bigger the following also and so on.
and it will work fine. I think this would be kind of cool on a larger scale, but it might need something with it...
Demo Data
to what it looks like in the thumb, i came with this demo & yeah it was easy.

rather slow first try:
Demo Data

This is impossible

Seriously. The ninja dies instantly because you start IN THE GROUND, and the door key is UNDERGROUND. Please fix it, then I'll rate....NR