Jade Level 3: The Halls of Ruin

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Author powerblip
Tags action author:powerblip explore hard playable temple unrated
Created 2009-08-06
Last Modified 2009-08-08
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Part 3 of the Jade mini-series storyline:

"Jade jumps down the trapdoor, expecting to land soon, but instead all he is feeling is the air beneath his feet. Then without warning, the floor appears and he lands harshly, grinding his body into the rubble. As he brushes himself off and looks around, he notices a switch on the wall. He activates it and hears rumbling behind him. He looks down a shaft to see a way has been made, but again blocked off by yet another door. He jumps down and starts to work on getting the second door open, but sees a flicker of light to his left, he glances over just in time to see a flaming arrow flying right at him! He jumps out of the way just in time as the door opens.

As he makes his way through this dark corridor he sees the walls are dotted with hazards galore. He watches his footing only to find that he is then running quickly to avoid getting hit by another flaming arrow! He falls out of view of the flaming arrows path and the door slams shut behind him.

He looks left and right and realizes that he needs to search these hallways in order to move on throughout the temple. One step closer to the Elemental Sword, and one step closer to Sara.

Then he hears Saras voice:
"Jade! Is that you? Help me! I'm trapped behind this door, but be careful, not all of the hallways are safe. They are full of traps!"

And he takes the advice, carefully opening each door to find either a trap, treasure, or a switch to get him closer to saving Sara. He opens the first door..."

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sniper's Point' Thumbnail of the map 'Behind Enemy Lines 2: Don't Trip The Wire' Thumbnail of the map 'Behind Enemy Lines: Under Enemy Fire' Thumbnail of the map 'Jade' Thumbnail of the map 'Behind Enemy Lines 3: Death Is Not Your Desire' Thumbnail of the map 'Jade Level 2: The Room of Cages'
Sniper's Point Behind Enemy Lines 2: Don't Trip The Wire Behind Enemy Lines: Under Enemy Fire Jade Behind Enemy Lines 3: Death Is Not Your Desire Jade Level 2: The Room of Cages


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I'm having a lot of fun writing the story to this mini series. It adds depth to a simple stick figure game.

This was fun.

Hidden enemies are bleh though.