
Thumbnail of the map 'Recircling'

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Author Diamondeye
Tags action author:diamondeye gauss medium rated rocket
Created 2009-08-08
Last Modified 2009-08-08
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description It helps the Enwiremend.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Roskilde ' 09' Thumbnail of the map 'Bracket Cavern' Thumbnail of the map 'Three Nails in a Coffin' Thumbnail of the map 'The Mountain Temple' Thumbnail of the map 'Barbed Wire' Thumbnail of the map 'Is that...'
Roskilde ' 09 Bracket Cavern Three Nails in a Coffin The Mountain Temple Barbed Wire Is that...


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I agree with leaff

Felt cluttered, but pretty fun overall. That rocket was annoying....3.5 dwn

I spent a lot of time placing the enemies in this map, actually.
I tried with the rocket half a snap lower, but that makes it far too hard to survive, and the Gauss are placed so that they can do harm even in neighbooring circles. The chain was originally intended to stay inside, but I actually think it is more challenging this way, so I kept it like that.

It did feel a bit cluttered. And I'm not sure if the chaingun drone was meant to leave it's circle, but it looked a bit bad, though it was a cool way of adding an extra enemy.

The rocket launcher could have used better placement, sure, but I specifically did not like the first gauss turret. Other than that, I liked it quite a bit. 3.5^

I like the chain.

Felt kinda cluttered. But still decent.

The demo is a death-demo to show the enemies' -in your opinion- bad placement, I take it?

this is what i mean

hey. keep it up and soon you'll be popping out some kick-ass maps.
Demo Data


Design was generic, enemies coulda been placed better.