
Thumbnail of the map 'Rocketways'

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Author mainzelman
Tags author:mainzelman race unrated
Created 2009-08-16
Last Modified 2009-08-16
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description i hope its much better than my botched racetrials

Other maps by this author

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Red Faction Guerrilla Goldpath Lifeleach Mummy Arclines Mines Are Shit


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but still needs much work.

Waaay better :]

Good work, this is a real race^^...
Now you have to work a bit on the object placement... How you see in my demo some gold and the first switch could be better placed, it's not easy to get them while not destroying the flow (ok, the first switch is not such a big problem^^)... Generally it would be better if you use not so much gold and just place it at some parts of the map instead of at the whole flow-way...
Then the enemies: Close calls are pretty important in a race; you third rocket, e.g., was very well placed :]... But, e.g., your gauss did nearly nothing...

You should also work on your tileset, it shouldn't just be there for the flow, it should also look good.
But overall, this is a good first (or third?) race, keep making races :]
Demo Data