
Thumbnail of the map 'Surrealism'

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Author Jawbit
Tags 50 author:jawbit rated
Created 2009-08-20
Last Modified 2009-08-20
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description Yay! Map #50! I really like this map, but I would appreciate some constructive criticizm. I used to have gausses in the tunnels, but it was too hard. RCE!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Catchin' Z's' Thumbnail of the map 'Glass House' Thumbnail of the map 'Antidote' Thumbnail of the map 'Center of the Earth' Thumbnail of the map 'Sticks and Stones' Thumbnail of the map 'Chip'
Catchin' Z's Glass House Antidote Center of the Earth Sticks and Stones Chip


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This map is a great example of how to use no enemies effectively. Getting the gold was really rewarding.
Demo Data

this was a very easy minejumper
Demo Data
Relaxing map... that's good.

Best place for a gauss would probably be the chamber that's next to where you start.


awesome job and congrats on 50... i need to see your grand total now =D

happy 50th. A tad late, I know, but it's the thought that counts.
very nice map, relaxed gameplay that worked very well. you weren't pressured into acting rashly which meant you could sit back and enjoy the ride, so very good call keeping out the gauss.
The aesthetics were great and it did exactly what it said on the tin.
a very high 4



Not to hard is it?


It's bland... it's like Super Mario Sunshine - it's full of eye candy, but pretty boring. This doesn't deserve 5, it deserves a nice 4 from me. ;) It's one of the best looking maps I've seen. Don't take this comment the wrong way and congrats on 50th.
And it's fun too, I love angle jumping =D

This is what I call

eye candy! 5aved

looks pretty cool, and relaxing to play, congrrrratz by the way
AGD, but strongly improvable.
Demo Data


lol karma


I loved the way it looked 5 faved.
Demo Data

congrats on 50! now you have to look out for things like ovarian cancer, heart attacks and strokes
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