00-3: Fable

Thumbnail of the map '00-3: Fable'

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Author Chord
Tags 0-3 action author:chord chord fable rated
Created 2009-08-24
Last Modified 2009-08-24
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description nothing but a dream

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '00-0: SPACEFUCK' Thumbnail of the map '00-1: Hydroeruption' Thumbnail of the map '00-2: Insulated'
00-0: SPACEFUCK 00-1: Hydroeruption 00-2: Insulated


Pages: (0)

looks great, the gameplay unfortunately didn't get me sweating buckets :/
Demo Data


a bit boring... :/


I Like it

lol i dont love or hate it...i like it....Its good and simple and nice and relaxing map lol but i didnt like getting back to get to the exit. heres a death demo ^^
Demo Data


i post my maps because they'll get deleted if i don't. and i think a lot of them are in between very good and too crap to post.

lol Leaff

Lovelovelove it.
(... I lovelove you. You lovelove me. I lovelove you. You lovelove me. HE'S A PLANE HE'S A PLANE. >_>)