Thumbnail of the map 'XYZ'

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Author e3ee3e33e
Tags author:e3ee3e33e unrated
Created 2009-08-25
Last Modified 2009-08-25
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Pinnacle of Doubt' Thumbnail of the map 'The midnight breaches red' Thumbnail of the map 'Your Application is Pending' Thumbnail of the map 'Unholy Warcy' Thumbnail of the map 'MEAT GRINDER' Thumbnail of the map 'Meeting at the Park...'
Pinnacle of Doubt The midnight breaches red Your Application is Pending Unholy Warcy MEAT GRINDER Meeting at the Park...


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Oh and i agree

i just have come to terms with it
Your maps are hard.
I rarely play many maps anymore, and when I do, it's because something attracts me to it or one of my Metanet acquaintances (I'll abstain from namedropping) makes me. Your maps (this a is a general your, by the way) do not instantly deserve praise. You need to patiently make noteworthy maps for weeks or months, before getting the attention you seem to think is your God-given right. Map because you like to map. Get better, get more viewers. Or something. You can also go the route of creating your own little exclusive clique who play each other's maps and leave little in-jokey comments.

Ahem. Sorry if that didn't make much sense. I think rants suffer from being composed under the influence of syrupy duets. :/

i think a map demoing thread would be a good idea
have to provide an example demo for the map you posted and like maybe if nobody demoed a map in 1 or 2 days it would reset and you wouldn't have to demo that map. This should stop people subbing maps which were to hard but at the end of the day if you want a hard map demoed you should be willing to demo a hard map
I'll play this after my lunch.

probably. but some of the maps i make are really hard to.
I think its cause I make my maps to hard maybe but nobody demos them much even death demos which makes me wonder if the people saying "great map 5/5" actually played it.

To this end I'm thinking of creating a demo my map thread. Much like the rate my map and comment on my map threads except for people who want others to demo their map. You would have to demo the map above and provide an example demo for you own map in order to post a map. What do you think would this work would you use it?

i play any map and demo them, no one plays mine or rates. I'm sick of it
if you approach it with the view that for some reason your gonna suddenly care what a bunch of posers you've never meet think and worry about rating, critical acclaim ect. you will make it a popularity contest for yourself. If however you approach it with the desire to make some maps for the enjoyment you get of doing something well and that possibly being recognised by the other people who are genuine and to play some maps at random for the fun of the game and not to impress anyone then it doesn't matter if the site is a popularity contest for others.

That's what I meant to say :)

1 person cant make it a popularity contest



if you want it to be
