Average Cave

Thumbnail of the map 'Average Cave'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Diamondeye
Tags action author:diamondeye medium rocket unrated
Created 2009-08-28
Last Modified 2009-08-28
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description with an average amount of gold and explosive devices of all kinds.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'When even stars fall from the skies' Thumbnail of the map 'Crestfallen' Thumbnail of the map 'Rockslide' Thumbnail of the map 'And that's the last thing the barkeep says' Thumbnail of the map 'Note of Interest' Thumbnail of the map 'Biblical Reference'
When even stars fall from the skies Crestfallen Rockslide And that's the last thing the barkeep says Note of Interest Biblical Reference


Pages: (0)

Now, I'd like to ask you people a favour. Allow me to quote one of my favourite mappers, Sidke:
"10 comments and no rates?
NUMA angers me. "

I appreciate the comments, but I would really like this map to get some rates aswell. If you don't mind.


I suck.
Demo Data


A MAP WITH A CHAINGUN DRONE! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All gold

Demo Data


Demo Data

For example

Demo Data


Half-tile corner jumping, one of the hardest (in my opinion), and one of my favorite, tricks in the game

I would understand

those comments better if I knew what you meant by htcjing.

Feel free to use the tiles for a more open map, aswell...

this was fuun

coulda been harder tho lol... agd
Demo Data
you should lower the ceiling a bit, imo. plays alright though


Even though htcjing would be useless, it might be fun to mess around with them in this map.

Average AGD.
Demo Data

Instant favorite

Because from first glance there looks to be a lot of opportunity for htcjing.