Directionally Challenged

Thumbnail of the map 'Directionally Challenged'

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Author Minion_of_Pi
Tags author:minion_of_pi minimalistic unrated
Created 2009-09-03
Last Modified 2009-09-03
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Okay, hold up both of your hands.Point your pointer fingers up, your thumbs towards each other, and put the rest of your fingers into a fist. Now, which hand forms an "L?" YER FRIGGIN LEFT HAND YAH DUMBA--

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Position of Command' Thumbnail of the map 'Flying Cheerios' Thumbnail of the map 'All the Sewers Lead Up' Thumbnail of the map 'My Secret Underground Lair' Thumbnail of the map 'Confidence/Competence' Thumbnail of the map 'Moonination'
Position of Command Flying Cheerios All the Sewers Lead Up My Secret Underground Lair Confidence/Competence Moonination


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cool map, looks great
Demo Data

Really liked this map. This is kinda the map style I would wanna do, well more or less. Cool map anyways :] 4/5
if you post 3 maps soon after eachother, the attention each one gets is limited. thats why I like to spread out my maps even though i make more then one map at a time.

lol, i know

but i was just subbing a bunch of maps i made while i was away
just had to get these off my chest
I'd never put more than two maps on hot maps at any one point. And only two when it's absolutly necassary (e.g - i'm going on holiday.)