Evil Plans DDA

Thumbnail of the map 'Evil Plans DDA'

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Author jordanzilla
Tags author:jordanzilla dda rated
Created 2005-11-12
Last Modified 2005-11-12
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description This is a pretty good DDA, it may not have many enemies because it stuffed up the DDA, but I still think it\'s good for my second.

~ Original tileset

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Air' Thumbnail of the map 'Pyramids & Obelisks' Thumbnail of the map 'Hyperliminal Diamond' Thumbnail of the map 'Power Surge' Thumbnail of the map 'Random DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Power Surge B'
Air Pyramids & Obelisks Hyperliminal Diamond Power Surge Random DDA Power Surge B


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Ok, I'm sorry but I get the point. And hey, it was only my second DDA. ;)


*sigh* again it was slow also it lacked close calls and another thing is u had way to much useless objects such as the thwumps in the beginning and the gold delays


good use of thwump propulsion 4/5


Was pretty cool, especialy when he should have died. 4/5


Hehe yea...but then N was going too fast because of the launch pads, he didn't have time to die.


i think thats neat . and i reckon that u should of died twice lol !