The sand dunes of the Sahara

Thumbnail of the map 'The sand dunes of the Sahara'

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Author krashio
Tags action author:krashio unrated
Created 2009-09-17
Last Modified 2009-09-19
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I am shocked to say this but ;;

I spent time on a map! :o

- - - -


Enjoy! :P

- Krashio

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Thin air, Hot rays.' Thumbnail of the map 'The Tick Tock' Thumbnail of the map 'Unknown DDA' Thumbnail of the map '21-42 The Other Side' Thumbnail of the map '57-31 Thinking of ways to begin a journey' Thumbnail of the map 'Affairs in Space'
Thin air, Hot rays. The Tick Tock Unknown DDA 21-42 The Other Side 57-31 Thinking of ways to begin a journey Affairs in Space


Pages: (0)

I saw this

and it was tough man but I love the concept 5


Could be better: "The sand dunes of the Sahara" is a lot better.


thank you:D <3
first one on numa to say that:D
and for the map,
i think it is too long, and repetive,
it would had been enough to go to the top. 3.4