Spectral agony

Thumbnail of the map 'Spectral agony'

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Author Grasp_of_Insanity
Tags action author:grasp_of_insanity fun hard long playable unrated
Created 2009-10-01
Last Modified 2009-10-01
Map Data

Description This map I have worked hard on since i am new to this development thing, I put in ideas from other user levels and other challenging area into this fun contruct of what i call "Spectral Agony"


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you do not

need to fill every empty space with gold. =P

i really like the concepts used in the level, particularly the seeker drone at the beginning.

Some stuff to remember:
1) objects used in bulk is generally a bad idea.
2)PLAYTEST your maps! make sure it is completable.
3)realize that a trap door on top of an open door is glitchable and you can go through the trap door when it is closed if the locked door is open.
4)gold delay (placing gold on gold on gold, etc.) is generally a thing best left for DDA's, nothing else)
5)thwumps can go through trap doors and "sense" the ninja through them as well
6)Avoid hiding enemies behind bouncy blocks and other things.
7)avoid useing multiples of the same enemy where one would do just fine (like one rocket and one gauss in the chimney area would be even more effective than the 14 enemies there already).
8)Avoid sending people on many unnecessary back and forth trips with door triggers. it annoys people.
9)PLAYTEST YOUR MAPS. Make sure their completable.

thats it ;D i think...

also its very unique of you to disable ratings on your first map. =D