Comments on "Metropolis"
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There are some first time things in the map
like mines under bouncebacks and door keys under bouncebacks. Overall, 4/5 for the map, welcome to NUMA, and yes, a lot of people are accused if they make good first maps.
There has been a real problem with multiaccounters recently ((caused by me)and many others), I'm not going to believe you, but I'm not going to bother heckling you further. Have fun mapping.
I like smilies, im not ab "LOCK MY MEGA BEST MAP EVER NOOB"
I make maps in many other 2D games. An in other Comunitys everybody don´t like you if you post a map that you can make in 5 minutes but here others say you´re a multiaccounter if you make a good map at first xD
I make maps in many other 2D games. An in other Comunitys everybody don´t like you if you post a map that you can make in 5 minutes but here others say you´re a multiaccounter if you make a good map at first xD
welcome to NUMA
And a very good first map, you don`t want to see the sh** other mappers have as their first maps. (It`s not completeable and all)
Well, most newbies come on and go: "omgz how duz i change my profile picturezz?!?!!!1"
You seem to have got that straight away. Multiaccounters also have a tendency to put smilies in their posts; I did.
You seem to have got that straight away. Multiaccounters also have a tendency to put smilies in their posts; I did.
I´m not a multiaccounter... I have made over 80 Maps but the Maps are not on Numa...
It's obvious.
You're a multiaccounter. Don't fuck with me, I can tell when this happens as I probably have made the most accounts here. Why? You use mapping elements that only an active author with use, avoid the usual newbie shortcomings and use different tile patterns. If you want to deny it go ahead, I ain't gonna believe you anyway.
welcome to NUMA!
i think its
actually a great first map. i guess welcome to numa!
A lot of first time mappers