Church Ruin

Thumbnail of the map 'Church Ruin'

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Author Bl3wolf
Tags action author:bl3wolf medium rated
Created 2009-10-02
Last Modified 2009-10-02
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Ähm a Church Ruin Oo

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Metropolis'


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this reminds

me out my map tree of trepidation same ammount of ratings lol


I don´t can show your profil :o


wat is a collab?
The two most important things. Good job. Want to collab?


The only necessary normal door was the one next to the exit switch.

I officially hate that first chaingun :/
It forces me to slow down to ensure it doesn't kill me.
Overall, this map had some nice flow, but I think you need to work on your timing a little more.
The part with the rocket was also highly unpredictable ;____;

The tiles were pretty nice, maybe a bit messy but nice.

I did nonetheless enjoy AGDing this :3
Demo Data



the only thing that was off, was the atmosphere, but since when did I care about atmosphere;p

I love it, I love arches, so you hooked me on that, and the gameplay was incredible, easily a 5.


My maps are better.
My comments arnt that weird.
my... sire


Somebody either got sniped or honestly rated three. Probably the former. I rated three, however.
Wasn't really a fan of the gameplay. Not bad though.

First try AGD.

Xerxes, that was surprisingly few dots. Maybe you've gotten somewhere.
Demo Data


Ah ok thanks for the Tip.

Great map.^^

If you go too fast at the beginning only one of the trap doors on the right reacts and you fall into the mines :/...

... But the rest is nearly perfect and I love the enemy placement :]... 4.5v
... Oh, and you NaN'd some gold (on your first map, too)... Look at the map in edit mode (object editor) and you'll see some gold outside of the normal area... You can prevent this by clicking outside of the map data box before you load a map^^

Demo Data



I didn't like the mines that were beneath normal doors. The rest of the aesthetics was great. I liked the arches very much and playing them made me smile. If you want to remove the nan'd gold that's the gold up the top of the map just look through the map code for the letters nan and delete between that set of exclamation marks.
Demo Data


Looks pretty damn neat for a second map. Faved for later.