All I Ever Wanted

Thumbnail of the map 'All I Ever Wanted'

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Author _destiny^-
Tags author:_destiny^- destiny experimental playable race shinedown unrated
Created 2009-10-07
Last Modified 2009-10-07
Map Data

Description This is so far out of my comfort zone that i'm not even going to enable ratings. Tell me what you think of the style, because this is somewhat of an experiment.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Breaking Inside' Thumbnail of the map 'Take It Off' Thumbnail of the map 'Flesh' Thumbnail of the map 'Glacier Peak' Thumbnail of the map 'Day 6: Fair Ground' Thumbnail of the map 'Requiem of Silence'
Breaking Inside Take It Off Flesh Glacier Peak Day 6: Fair Ground Requiem of Silence


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Very enjoyed it


This is pretty nice. Those chainguns cannot keep up with my ninjacockspeed.
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Mm-mm good
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Weird as fuck. Suits me.
but its faster xD also i dont like the bit where i got stuck at at the start
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Don't worry anymore

It doesn't work on macs...

I liked

how it was very open, but some of the jumps were very abrupt, and slowed down the flow.

good enough;

it's good to see this kind of innovation in a race. i sort of enjoyed what little there was. i think it needs to be refined more; that'll come in time, though. a good start.


Can you give me a link to kkstrong's nreality thing.
I didn't really find it enjoyable, but the aesthetics were nice. Now, if you were able to add some action, THEN you'd get somewhere.

Ok thanks

Correct demo. :D
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Fucken awesome. :o

Love all of it. I had like no problem with the flow. Faved.
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weird flow. I like it though
I actually don't know how to do that and what the mod is... :(

perfect now


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2 more...

straight off the bat
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touche magirocker
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It is very open

I was trying to incorperate the openness with a little control, and then some huge open spaces, all in this strange angular pulloff. I semi-like it. I think it's good, but next to my previous races it appears to wither somewhat.


openess* if thats even a word.

sorry bout double post
and part of the flow, but the rest of the flow was really weird and ruff.
almost noobish in a way?? no...not really... i dunno
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really nice,

my only complaint is when youre getting really good speed sometimes youll get shot but the chainguns, but still really fun
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this is most definately maxed
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Style = Beautiful

Flow = Rough

regular completion

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i did ply it regularly before i cheated just so ya know.... this is pretty damn close to max i think
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i liked it alot

especially the last 1/3 of the flow. I would add some enemy in the top section..or mines or whatever.
but the flow was a bit rough


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