A tangle of digits

Thumbnail of the map 'A tangle of digits'

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Tags author:squiddy_brick cool race unrated
Created 2009-10-09
Last Modified 2009-10-09
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description a race. ded to da_man coz he's my fav race maker and he's still mapping

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Corner of a Circle' Thumbnail of the map 'A Modern World Today' Thumbnail of the map 'A Complex Time Approaches' Thumbnail of the map 'A Designers Dream' Thumbnail of the map 'Soaked in Gasoline' Thumbnail of the map 'A stupid mistake'
The Corner of a Circle A Modern World Today A Complex Time Approaches A Designers Dream Soaked in Gasoline A stupid mistake


Pages: (0)


Usually someone makes a tileset, then hands it to the other person, who adds some objects and maybe modifies the tiles slightly. Then they hand it back, and the original person adds some objects and maybe modifies tiles slightly. Then you continue this until both people are happy with the final product, and one person submits it (usually with the other persons name as a tag, as well as "collab"). They're a lot of fun, and a good way to get to know other mappers. :D
i guessed the path first time ^^
Demo Data


what squibbles said... in his first comment.
the flow was pretty basic, and didn't work well in parts. Also more enemies would have made it more exciting.

ive never collabed before so i dont really understand. dont worry about the rating


That was meant to be a 4. >.<

God damn, today is not the day for me to be rating.
...wanna collab sometime?
...I think you're me.
